domingo, 12 de agosto de 2018

Father and daughter

Father and daughter. 

Hi Dad.

Hi Sam!

Are you feeling better? 

Not really, it's not being an easy recovery

You didn't do what I told you, did you? You'd have a much better recovery, trust me.. (pause) Anyway, if you rest a couple more days you'll be fine...

Hope so

 But ... actually I wanted to talk to you

Oh do you? What about?

 You know that I've never put myself in yours and mum's life... but I think she's going through a really tough time and I think that this time she's not managing on her own. She seams very distracted, if you know what I mean?

Well... I do but I don't to be honest. 
Why are you telling me this? 
I think she left it very clear the last time she didn't want any help from me. I mean, she was fine... we were fine she just simply wants to be on her own, or make her own decisions.. you know how she is..

I do, and thats why I'm telling you this... she needs help, and I don't know what to do? or how to do it.
 And then there's always that thing, I don't want to get involved but I feel I can't leave her alone, can I? Can you please help? 

What thing?

Dad...Come on

Seriously, there's always so many things with your mom, I kind of lost track.

Well, the fact that she can't paint again

Oh come on... you girls are too dramatic

Dad, I think you haven't realise the seriouness of this situation. She cant hold a brush

What d'you mean?

She literally can't hold on to a brush without starting to shake

Is it that bad?

Yes, Dad. I've tried to tell you

When? I didn't realise it was physical!
 I thought it was all in her mind. That's very sad, unfortunatly. Have she been to a doctor?

Yes... but


It's nothing in specific, I mean the doctors can't find the reason

But when did this started? 

Starting to affect her work properly, probably three months ago

What three months?


Shit...(long pause) that... three months, you said?

Yes.. what? 

Nothing nothing its just... a long time

Exactly... So can you help her?

Well, yes.. sure.. I mean, I don't know exactly how you wanted me to help...but sure...

Well... You can start by fixing her hand the same way you destroied it. I can't hear her complaining anymore. Go and fix both of you....


quinta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2018

Puppet On a String

It could be the beginning of something extra-ordinary. Hmmm... I believe that is what every creator on earth thinks. But today my experiment is to create. I'm now creating as I'm writing. Once, someone told that you start creating when you simply start. Or that you can start an achievement when you think you're starting. So let's say I want to stop smoking I simply stop and there you go. Then you have the challenge to maintain or to break it or even to develop it but the reality is that you just started.

It's hard to start. In fact, starting is the hardest. Starting a blank page, starting to lose weight, starting a relationship. And actually, and funny enough starting is not the hardest. The hardest is to keep it. To develop it. To hold on to it. 

And when we start questioning? There's a question!! The question is always dubious. 
So let's not make this post about starting or about searching or about wondering which is normally what I always do. Go around in circles and circles. Talking about my questions and beginnings. So today I would like to talk about people. About stories and what makes those stories interesting. 

Today I was listen to Sandie Shaw on Desert Islands. I never heard of her before but she had an incredible life. She was super famous, super rich but also super poor and probably unhappy. She went from singer to waitress where she was extremely happy. There's no right or wrong, there's no better or worse. But there is doing what you love, doing what you want and creating. We are constant creators of our own life. 

Funny enough the song that made her win EuroVision was Puppet on a String, and there's a sentence that goes like: 

In or out, there is never a doubt 
Just who's pulling the strings 
I'm all tied up to you 
But where's it leading me to?

And for me there shouldn't be a doubt. We’re leading our own lives.
Sandie Shaw an example how life can go around and around but we can still find happiness. She found peace in her ups and downs.

Today I leave it like this. Tomorrow it's another day! 

terça-feira, 7 de agosto de 2018

The diary of a non-artist.